Montpelier Community Days Inspiring the Community

A woman and 2 children enjoy the event

This week we're focusing on stories coming from Montpelier. We were invited to join Montpelier Elementary School's January Community Day on Friday, January 29, 2016, where visitors are welcome and student's families are encouraged to come. With pop music blaring and everyone dancing, Mr. Fox began the high energy meeting cracking jokes and dancing along with the kids. His kindness and care were evident as he encouraged the kids on their recent testing improvement and positive citizenship. The microphone was then passed to each teacher who shared highlights from the month and named top students, not just academically but also naming students recognized for their kindness and compassion.

Man and girl enjoying the event

Man and girl enjoying the event

Happening this month, every classroom is collecting change to partner with Swing of Faith for an adaptive playground swing so their friends in the life skills class can swing as well. If you'd like to help, please contact Montpelier Elementary School. Also, they've started their 20 day countdown to ISTEP testing and are looking to further improve their scoring by classroom cooperation and focus!

Tell us about your good neighbors, positive stories, and events by messaging us on Facebook or submitting a form here